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Test Device for Pressure Sensing Laparoscopic Needle

Laporoscopic Needle Tester

Wentworth Institute of Technology

As a freshman, a test device was designed to aid a senior design group in creating a pressure sensing laparoscopic needle. The team generated three options of the test device, which were then 3D printed and tested. The final design clamped a layer of pig skin tightly to the top of the device and pumped oxygen through holes at the back of the device to pressurize the pocket. This allowed for the appropriate testing of the pressure sensing needle and was successful in evaluation. The device was designed in SolidWorks and later rapid prototyped at Draper laboratory.

What was done:

  • Created three test device options for the Senior Design team

  • Designed a test device in Solidworks to aid in the evaluation of the pressure sensing needle

  • Designed the device to clamp a layer of pig skin tightly to the top of the device for testing

  • Added holes at the back of the device to pump oxygen and pressurize the pocket to resemble a pocket in the human body

  • 3D printed and tested the device

  • Successfully tested the pressure sensing needle using the designed device

  • Rapid prototyped the device at Draper laboratory.

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